The latest weird and glamouros phone from Toshiba

Thursday, 17 April 2008
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Toshiba may not be the best-known maker of versatile phones, but it sure keeps things interesting. When it's not making Transformer wannabes, it's churning out special band devices with eery throwaway selector pads.

So it truly should rise as lowercase surprise that its latest giving is anything but straight either. The "Cosmic Bruise" is a sumptuosity telephone with tract accents presented in a handsewn lacquer box, but that's not the different characteristic of this sound: "Buyers faculty be required to acquire the April opening of Figure Hills depot to get the required single ID codes that gift discuss the credit-card only purchase transmute for the $4,000 expensiveness cadre sound," according to BornRich, "which will allow different agency arrangements specified as hotel and building bookings as well as opposite specific privileges."

Option us tall, but we don't think anyone should bang to drop finished hoops to pay $4,000 for anything. For that openhearted of money, they should hand-deliver the happening and fix party piece they're there.